
‘How To Be’ Commissioned in Spain

Spanish broadcaster Cuatro, a part of the Mediaset España, the leading audiovisual media company in Spain, has commissioned a first season of Armoza Format’s celebrity interview show How To Be. Locally named Feis tu Feis (Face to Face) the factual entertainment format will be produced by 100 Balas and hosted by Spanish actor and comedian Joaquin Reyes.           

Additionally in Germany, a 3rd season of How To Be has now been commissioned following 2 strong seasons on Germany’s ZDF and ZDFneo, and is slated to air this summer, while Norway’s NRK is set to air their adaptation in March.

Developed by Artza Productions in collaboration with Armoza Formats, How To Be is a fresh take on the typical celebrity interview shows. With celebrities trained to conceal the personal details of their lives, this original format flips the interview process on its head to allow the host to become the celebrity, and the celebrity to become the host. In each episode, the role reversal finale will provide a startling moment of clarity and candid reflection, through allowing the celebrity to confront himself and ask all the deeply personal questions that he would never have answered in a regular interview format.

Mariano Blanco, Program Manager of Cuatro, “Not only does ‘How to Be’ allow us to go further than conventional interview formats, but more than that it gives us the chance to really know each guest star, diving into his life in a way that, in other circumstances, not even they would consider. We are thrilled that Joaquín Reyes is joining as host - he’s one of the best comedians in our country, perfect for a show that requires the art of the disguise and transformation.”

Avi Armoza, CEO of Armoza Formats, “We’re thrilled to be working with Cuatro and 100 Balas in launching this unique celebrity interview format in Spain. ‘How to Be’ brings back authenticity to celebrity interviews by delving into each interviewee’s life in a more meaningful way and, in the finale, by using role reversal to bring out their truest and most unaffected responses.”